Sunday, May 24, 2009
The National Diet Library, The Prime Minister's residence
On Friday, I went to the National Diet Library to do some research. The Diet is the legislative body of Japan's government. More about it here
I had to do some research for work. This area, accessible by Nagatocho or Kokkaigijidou Mae train stations, lacks restaurants. We were able to find a McDonalds and some Japanese restaurants. Even the policemen couldn't give us suggestions. The reason is that there are a concentration of government structures here. We ate at a traditional Japanese restaurant that served the best stewed pork 豚の角煮! I was going to snap a photo, but the grumpy looking owner behind the counter would probably have disapproved.
JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) has cleaner facilities, and air conditioning... The National Diet Library either has their a/c turned off, or on a sauna setting. It was hot! The photo above is the back of the Prime Minister's residence. I took it on the way to have a cup of coffee.
Notice the house is surrounded by bamboo trees, and has some kind of water feature flowing out from beneath the house! I guess this is where Japan's taxpayer money goes...